Help connect more people to God as a Grace Partner!


As Pastor Mike shares in the video, we want to invite you to help more people experience God’s love, grace, and power as a Grace Partner.

Grace Partners are a special group of friends who give regularly and generously to Time of Grace to help connect people to God, his Word, his promises, and his love.

One person who’s been deeply impacted by our Grace Partners is Cindy. She wrote:

“I want to thank you for your TV ministry. Your message always gets me thinking of God, my own relationship with him, and my purpose and focus in life. ... Every time I watch I’m inspired. ... I’m happy you have strong donors who believe in your work and give people (me) the opportunity to hear your message, inspire us in God’s Word, and through this strengthen our faith.”

As a donor-funded ministry, we rely on the generous support of people like you who want to share the grace of God through the real and relevant teaching from Time of Grace. This ministry helps reach individuals and families who want to deepen their relationship with God or might be frustrated in their faith and have fallen away from God. 

And as thanks for your first monthly gift to help reach more people like Cindy, we’ll send you some exclusive Time of Grace video content to encourage you.

Use the secure form below to help bring the grace of God to people around the world through Time of Grace.

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Beginning next month, the same amount will be processed on the date selected until the subscription is modified or cancelled.

For example: Johnny Smith, Sue Smith's Birthday, etc.

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        Time of Grace
        P.O. Box 301
        Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201